Tahira Bell is a professional speaker and workshop facilitator who helps parents, schools, and youth serving organizations build teen leaders.

Her signature talks show the importance of instilling confidence, encouraging creativity, and cultivating goal setting and decision making skills in her teen audiences. By the end of a workshop, everyone leaves with specific action steps to implement.


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70% of girls ages 15-17 avoid normal activities like school when they feel badly about how they look. Let’s give them the confidence and courage to Stand up and Shine!


“I learned so much! I will absolutely make different and better choices now and in the future. Continue to inspire young girls, you’re good at it!” – Kiara S. 8th grade

“I feel like she was telling me things my mom would want to say. I have a better understanding of waiting and having boundaries. I now know to wait as much as possible when it comes to boys.” Sydney 11th grade

“I loved the presentation!” And now I know that you don’t have to give your body away until you know it’s right. At first it felt awkward but I knew this subject is important. We are women and we need to be respected!” Taylor S. 9th grade

“Your advice really helped a lot and I just want to thank you. I suppose I’ll probably mess up again at some point, but at least I’m learning from my mistakes. Fortunately I have an understanding and forgiving girlfriend” Mark 11th grade