Tahira Bell

 Meet Atlanta Teen Life Coach Tahira Bell

Being a teenager doesn’t have to be a complex whirlwind of emotions and missteps. My teen life coach skills can help you to better navigate and survive the transition into a young adult. My expertise lies in empowering your teen to develop a plan for the future she envisions where she loves and values herself!
“As a teen life coach, I strive to open the lines of communication with each girl I meet. As I understand their goals, I can guide them down the path of success and achievement.”

Teens Only!

Learn more about what to expect from having a teen life coach. Click Here

Group Sessions

Register for the next group coaching session or call 404.423.1890 for more information. Click here to register

What’s a Life Coach?

I help teens navigate transitioning from teenager to adult. Let’s make empowering decisions focused on your positive and successful future.
From Teens to Adults

The Benefits of Life Coaching for Teens

Coaching sessions provide teen girls with a safe, non-judgmental place to be heard. I can truly connect with girls because I know and understand the issues that they are facing. My coaching techniques can support a meaningful connection to develop between myself and your teen. She will have an adult she can trust and confide in who will offer insight and a new perspective on common teenage challenges.

Parent Coaching

Sometimes parents need insight in order to better understand their teenage daughters. My tips, tools, and resources will help you communicate and form a stronger connection with your teenager. Together we can support, motivate, and encourage her to make better choices as she increasingly tries to assert her independence. Parent Coaching
Improve Family Home Life